Oh Yeah? Google THIS! How To Get On The First Page Of Google Trinidad & Tobago
I couldn’t write this article when I started Forward Multimedia a year and a half ago, for I was nowhere to be found on Google T&T back then. I stopped looking after page ten (and who the heck goes beyond page one?) and then grudgingly accepted that I had my work cut out for me. Now I can authoritatively (and a little smugly) write because Forward Multimedia is consistently on the first page of Google Trinidad & Tobago for all the top keywords in local search. This article is not about me though, it’s about you but I wanted to assure you first that I’ve been practicing all I’m about to preach.
When I interview clients (and they interview me) I’m always asked if their website will be found on local search and what they should do to get on the first page. You can Google that exact question and get the answer from the top sites returned but I know that won’t be enough for you. Regardless of how relevant those answers are, you really want to hear them from a Trini perspective so here goes:
The best practices in search engine optimization (SEO) are perfectly applicable to any Trinidad business. Our marketplace is not so unique to require a different set of techniques from those being used around the world. However, the best place to start is not with the techniques but to understand how search engines work.
Very well I’m afraid, as a matter of fact just like this: http://bit.ly/TkjsGO. Your visitors will be doing the same thing, i.e. typing entire phrases and sentences, not just single keywords. Google knows that too, have you noticed the width of the Google search box? That’s not by accident. By the way, that link was not only to prove a point; it’s also for you to really learn how search engines work- that’s how I did.
Now we’re getting somewhere. Local search is ripe for the picking for many industries (though it wasn’t for mine as it was already very crowded). In fact it’s so ripe for many that ‘un-optimized’ and ‘under-optimized’ websites can quickly get first page ranking in a short space of time simply due to the lack of competition. Bad news for them though, as the better optimized sites eventually catch up and bump them off.
Reasons why local search is ripe
- Few Trinidad websites to compete against each other generally
- Fewer quality, search engine optimized sites specifically
- Even fewer SEO providers locally
- Many vacant keywords up for grabs (mainly occupied by directory listings and not websites)
Reasons why you better SEO-up NOW
- The opposite of all four points above is coming in the near future
- To be forewarned is to be forearmed, i.e. you can get a head start
- You can use your headstart to fortify ranking and fend off competitors
- You’ll be ahead of the learning curve
- It’s only going to get harder
If you’ve read my SEO page you’ll see I’ve done it myself as a newcomer who only started active SEO techniques around May 2011 (Forward Multimedia is not even 2 years old yet). This was achieved amidst a crowded Google first page with a plethora of entrenched local web companies around for as long as ten years with every one of them being there while I was in no man’s land in heaven knows what double digit page.
Now Certified SEO Specialist
Paper has to be backed up with ‘street cred’ and it’s always good when you have both. See my certification from a respected Inbound Marketing provider. Truth be told I passed the Inbound Marketing Certification Exam with a grade of 88%, two points shy of the Honors Distinction which had me going ‘Aargh!’ Anyway, there’s a lot of credibility that obtains with a first page rank so you also have to live up to it. View Certificate[/alert]
Great article.
Thanks. This is a very old article though and I have to update.