New Forward Multimedia Website Coming Soon
I like my current website, its nice looking, clean and colorful, but given the industry I’m in I absolutely cannot afford to remain static because web technologies are continuously evolving and improving. My site template is not chronologically ‘old’, it will be exactly three years of age one month from now, but it’s effectively old given the whirlwind of improvements and features now available today.
Because my main selling point is ‘anything I do on my site can be done on yours’ I see the need to update my template to fully showcase the power of today’s modern website. Of course, you know as well as I do that today’s modern website will still be yesterday’s ancient one but it’s a reality we have to live with.
On the subject of templates, I don’t boast that I use them for my clients’ sites nor do I boast that I don’t. I see other web companies making a big thing about that they don’t use templates like if clients and site visitors care.
Anyway, I’m giving advance notice the impending change so you won’t be surprised when you see it. I may have the site down for a couple of days while I make the switch but I’ll let you know when. I can’t promise a date yet as I haven’t started and it also depends on what my workload permits. Stay tuned!
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