There's been a continuing sea of change over the last nine months. Trinidad & Tobago businesses and organizations are steadily adding new websites to the local cyberspace and it's very heartening. It has been a healthy mixture of some going online for the first time as well as re-designs of ... Read More
Category: Featured Posts
With more and more businesses wising up to websites there are many individuals smelling opportunities to make money from them. As the title suggests, it usually comes about when one observes some public need that's being unfulfilled by a website that does whatever it is, or feel like they can ... Read More
April 24, 2014admin
There are two online stores in Trinidad & Tobago which are 'popular' for reasons I can't fathom except that local e-commerce is so lacking it's like we're in a desert and in the absence of water people are drinking the sand.
But this article is not to disparage and pick ... Read More
April 22, 2014admin
I feel like an Oracle as what I've prophesied is coming to pass, is passing, and will probably PASS YOU before you can blink. In case you didn't know, the world wide web turned 25 in March 2014, which means it turned about 5 in Trinidad & Tobago. It's probably ... Read More
April 16, 2014admin
It was welcome news back in 2011 when the government finally passed the Electronic Transaction Act (2011) that would give legal effect to electronic documents, electronic records, electronic signatures and electronic transactions for online businesses operating in Trinidad & Tobago.
It was passed in the House of Representatives this 11th, February, ... Read More
March 9, 2014admin
Amazon is almost twenty years old and most everyone in T&T knows how to shop online. In the US and around the world online shopping for business and personal is a basic activity and co-exists comfortably and peacefully with offline shopping at the stores and malls and doesn't raise an ... Read More
March 5, 2014admin
Online marketing tools are many— Email newsletters, search engines, Google Adwords, Social Media, Contests, Promotions and many more. In Trinidad & Tobago it generally means Facebook and lately to the the right of my Facebook page are many more Trini ads and I remember a time when it wasn't like ... Read More
February 24, 2014admin
I’ll preface this article with a brief history lesson. I placed my very first ad in the Trinidad Express classifieds back in January 2011. Back then (as if it was really that long), Forward Multimedia was totally unknown in T&T, nowhere to be found Google for any keyword, and I ... Read More
January 29, 2014admin
The New Year has begun and like every other new year in living memory, you’ve started with a renewed spirit like the tired old cliché it is. We’ve all been going through the same motions like clockwork year in and year out. The good news is that it’s not going ... Read More
January 5, 2014admin
So far I've accurately predicted the fall of Communism, the invention of the horseless carriage, the integrated circuit and the existence of a race of autonomous robotic organisms among us (called Autobots for short). Above all, I predicted that Al Gore would invent the internet...
So it comes as no surprise ... Read More
December 30, 2013admin