Category: Articles


That title reads like written for a news agency doesn’t it? It’s the truth though, I believe the jury came back in and that IS the verdict. If you recall, I said that the jury was out on whether Trini businesses would hold off on websites or invest in them ... Read More
February 21, 2016admin


Five years and what a ride! Fortunately, I’m still in my seat. I won’t say that Forward Multimedia has exceeded my expectations as that would mean I didn’t expect much; it would be a poor reflection on me to start a business that way, since I went to business ... Read More
January 16, 2016admin


It has a pulse doctor… the Trinidad & Tobago online Store Directory has finally taken human form. My second of two (2) major projects that I had planned for 2015 is finally a reality (the first one was an official support system in case you’re curious). Directory is ready ... Read More
November 14, 2015admin


The immediate post-election talk about this online shopping tax did pique my interest because it fell in my ‘gyaden’, but my concern instantly faded when the new Finance Minister dismissed it just as quickly by saying he did dismiss it quickly. To write something about it would have been to ... Read More
November 1, 2015admin


Regardless of which side of the fence you’re on (and if you’re on it, ouch) the new government of Trinidad & Tobago is in charge of our affairs for the next five years. The PP Party is challenging as we all know, filing writs and such, but that’s another story, ... Read More
September 20, 2015admin


So much for remaining ‘small’, ’boutique’, ‘a one-man show’. For the past few months I’ve been dying a death of a thousand cuts but only slowly realizing it. Pardon me while and add some ketchup and pepper on my words as I’m about to eat them right in front of ... Read More
September 6, 2015admin


Back in the days of old, yore, long ago and longtime, I recall with nostalgia a different time in Trinidad & Tobago. Back then in primary school girls played ‘kicking-stone and ‘moral’, boys played ‘marble pitch’- ‘three hole’ and ‘Lyric’. Then I feel a clout behind my head and ... Read More
July 4, 2015admin


E-Commerce in Trinidad & Tobago is growing slowly but surely. It's still going to be some time until we have a humming marketplace with solid online stores
May 25, 2015admin


An unfinished website hurts you and hurts me. Trinidad companies have a knack for starting their websites hot, then boiling dong like bhagi
May 10, 2015admin


One day T-Commerce will come to Trinidad & Tobago, for the moment, we'll be focusing on just the E. The T will come maybe sooner than you think.
March 8, 2015admin