A Concise Guide to E-Commerce in Trinidad & Tobago- 2017
Fresh on the heels of my WIPAY article, I bring you an updated guide on the mechanics of local E-Commerce.
I’ve decided to take a different approach for the first time ever and NOT give to you via an article but a PERMANENT PAGE instead, so this is an announcement and not the article.
From here on I’ll keep maintaining this page so that it is always up to date, which you’ll also be able to keep track of via changelogs I provide that will inform you about the specific changes in content.
There will still be significant developments that will warrant a fresh, in-depth, blog article and I will write those. What I’ll do afterwards is update the page and link the article; this way the page will remain concise but up to date.
What this guide covers

I’ll also be similarly updating my ‘Starting an E-Commerce Website in Trinidad & Tobago’ page with an evaluation and analysis of the present state of the local online shopping market, which is about 80% complete at the moment.
You’ll also notice I updated my ‘E-Commerce’ menu item with a change in format. I’ll be improving this menu with all the relevant articles, pages and links in one place, easily accessible for you to get all the info you need.
In an article written a few year ago, you identified yourself as a Pioneer in e-commerce within Trinidad. I only read that article today but I’ve been engaged in hours of research over this weekend into ecommerce in the Caribbean. You are the source of the best information I found. You’ve done this with concise, in-depth, practical, engaging articles (and the comments sections). Had I not been a broke student who’s now “trying a thing” to get into ecommerce, I would have hired you to help me more… more than you’ve already helped me with this free GOLDEN content. Thank you so much, Zaf! I feel like I know you well enough now for first name basis. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences so graciously, Mr. Rahaman
Thanks for such a great comment, warms my heart, you had me crying like a baby! I write for the love of writing and for the love of what I do. I’m glad to help people understand E-Commerce in T&T as it’s going to keep growing. Don’t ‘try a ting’, message me and I’ll point you in the right direction if you’re doing things on your own, and yes, call me Zaf.