Now On 1st Page Google T&T
If you’ve read our About Page you’d know that Forward Multimedia is not even a year old in Trinidad & Tobago- the domain was registered in March 2010 and promoted as a US based website until October 2010. It was not until January 2011 that the site was configured and marketed as a Trinidad based website company with active search engine optimization techniques implemented around March 2011.
Of course, all major keywords were already dominated by the existing competition and we had no ranking whatsoever on Google T&T. By mid-year though we began appearing in the first 6 pages which was a modest start and by August we were on Page 2 for a few keywords but never on Page 1 for any.
Today we are happy to announce a Page 1 appearance for the first time and for the keyword “Trinidad website design”. This means our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques are paying off and it’s only a matter of time for the other keywords to follow suit.
Now it may seem like we’re tooting our own horn but it’s for a reason- CREDIBILITY. We list SEO as a service and we can’t tell you that we’ll help your Google rankings if we can’t help our own. We’ve accomplished this in 8 months against competitors established for years in Trinidad & Tobago and still our work isn’t done as the end goal is to fortify, fend off challengers and ultimately secure the top spot on the first page and stay there.
Take a look at the screenshot taken on October 9th 2011.
Great job my friend!!! Keep it up and put Trinidad on the world wide web!!!